Hematocrit is the volume of red blood cells as a percentage of total blood volume. The single most important measure of oxygen in our blood is called "hematocrit". This loss of muscle and subsequent replacement by fat is called "sarcopenia." When a neuron dies, the muscle fiber served by that neuron also atrophies and withers away, and the space is then occupied by fat. Without sufficient oxygen, the neurons in our brain and nervous system wither and die. Iron is also necessary, as the agent that carries oxygen.Īll body organs, including heart and lungs, the brain and the nervous system, the digestive system, the skin, as well as all muscles and fibers need to receive sufficient oxygen to fullfill their tasks in the body in the best possible way, to keep us healthy and fit. Red blood cells carry hemoglobin, which carries oxygen. The amount of oxygen in our blood is directly proportional to the number of red blood cells. Eventually this might result in cell death or impairment, perhaps cancer. Less energy is produced, and "garbage" remains inside the cell. If not enough oxygen is available when nutrients are burned, the burn is incomplete. Water, nutrients, and oxygen are transported into the mitochondria and burned there to produce energy. Sufficient oxygen to each cell in the body is the basis of life itself. Introduction: The human body can survive three weeks without food, three days without drinking, but only three minutes without oxygen. Without EPO supplementation my hematocrit gets a s low as 35. Thank You so much for what you're doing for me. remember, my hematocrit has been as low as 38%. I can't wait to inject the next two boxes and bring my hematocit up into the upper 40's. After years of anemia, I can finally breathe!!! Professor of Linguistics, Yale University I feel you saved my life and restored my high working and creative capacity. I wish to express again my deepest feelings of gratitude towards you. Now I think better than before, and I publish better books and papers than before.
much stronger than I was 10 or more years ago. Reading what you have written about EPO on Rejuvenation, I asked another doctor to write a prescription for EPO. He said it is mild and stable, there is nothing to worry about. What happened to me about two years ago when I was 88, was sudden mysterious anemia (hematocrit 35-38%). Initially I did not pay much attention to it. "I want to express my feeling of deepest gratitude to you for teaching me about the significance of EPO.